Младежта оформя утрешния ден на Европа

Youth Shaping Europe’s Tomorrow

From good ideas to policy impact

The project U4EU 2.0: Youth Shaping Europe's Tomorrow is the successor to the project U4EU: Youth Debating the Future of Europe (2020-2022). U4EU 2.0 continues its mission to empower young people to actively shape the future of Europe, with a primary focus on enhancing youth engagement, democratic participation, and policy advocacy. U4EU 2.0 features a series of youth summits, thematic workshops, training sessions, policy development, and advocacy efforts conducted in nine EU countries. These activities address critical challenges faced by young people, including limited engagement in policy-making, awareness gaps regarding EU institutions and policies, digital literacy deficiencies, and disparities in gender and diversity participation. 

Through transnational collaboration and leveraging insights from extensive research and prior experience, U4EU 2.0 equips young participants with essential skills, knowledge, and opportunities to become active stakeholders in shaping a more inclusive and democratic Europe. U4EU 2.0 is not just a finite endeavor; it aims to leave a lasting legacy of informed, engaged, and empowered young citizens who continue to advocate for positive change in Europe. By promoting youth participation, strengthening democratic values, and fostering inclusive policies, U4EU 2.0 is a beacon of hope for a brighter European future. The project intends to promote a greater sense of belonging to the EU and its core values among young Europeans. 

Project developments:

Time frame: May 2024 – April 2026 
Partners: ANCE (Greece) – leading partner, NOUS (Italy), Clube Intercultural Europeu (Portugal), Cross Cultural Bridges (Netherlands), KMGNE (Germany), UNITED for Intercultural Action (Hungary), VOLONTEUROPE (Belgium), Associació Mitjans - Xarxa d'Educadors i Comunicadors (Spain), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: European Commission, Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme

the sofianer

The Sofianer

If Sofia was a magazine cover

The project puts Sofia on the world map by including it in a global visual initiative - creating a collection of covers of the imaginary magazine The Sofianer as a tribute to the iconic covers of The New Yorker magazine. The cities that have so far created their own visual interpretations are Paris, Tokyo, Montreal, Shanghai, Brussels and Milan. The project envisages involving the best artists in Bulgaria through an open invitation on how they see Sofia, presenting their work in an exhibition in physical and online environments and initiating a public debate on the past, present and future of the capital.

Project website

Timeline: February 2022 - currently 
Partners: Credo Bonum Foundation, Multi Kulti Collective
Funding: Sofia Municipality, Bulgarian-American Credit Bank, US Embassy in Bulgaria, Mastercard, 5l speakeasy bar


Preventing Racism and Discrimination

At EU and national level

The project Preventing Racism and Discrimination – Enabling the Effective Implementation of the EU Anti-Racist Legal Framework (PERSERVERE) is concerned with fighting intolerance, racism, xenophobia and discrimination against vulnerable ethnic and racial groups and, in particular, Roma, Jews, Muslims and people of African descent. Starting from the premise that any system tasked with protecting the vulnerable from discrimination must, first and foremost, rely on an effective legal framework, the project implements activities concerned with the better enforcement of the law. It undertakes research in 7 partner countries and develops educational material and tools that will be used to educate legal professionals (judges, lawyers, prosecutors) and frontline workers (legal officers in prisons, the police, social services, reception asylum centres and border control authorities etc) on how to use the nationally transposed European framework on anti-racism. Relying on desktop and fieldwork research, the project will produce a series of deliverables that meet this objective, including:

  • an e-book identifying any gaps in the law and legal practice in both the European level and national levels of the 7 partner countries;

  • a training toolkit that will be used to educate at least 210 legal professionals and 210 frontline workers, while also reach at least 70 trainers/educators in the 7 partner countries; and

  • a series of white papers recommending changes to the European and national laws and procedures to ensure that these are fit for the purpose of fighting racism and protecting members of victimised ethnic and racial groups.

News and project developments:

Time frame: February 2022 - January 2024
Partners: Cooperativa Sociale San Saturnino Onlus (Italy) - leading partner, UClan Cyprus (Cyprus), Lai-Momo Societa' Cooperativa Sociale (Italy), Kentro Evropaikou Syntagmatikou Dikaio Idryma Themistokli Kai Dimitri Tsatsou (Greece), CSI Center For Social Innovation (Cyprus), The People for Change Foundation (Malta), Stichting Hogeschool Van Amsterdam (Netherlands), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: European Commission, Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme (CERV)




Youth Debating the Future of Europe

The main objective of the project Youth Debating the Future of Europe is to encourage democratic and civic participation of young citizens and give them an opportunity to express their concerns and vision towards common challenges related to European identity, diversity and the future of Europe.

In the twenty-first century, Europe has reached a crisis point in the construction of European identity. The last years a number of events that took place across Europe have challenged the main idea and the founding values of the European Union: the Eurozone crisis, the migration crisis and Brexit have led to an increase of Euroscepticism. As a consequence of the harsh situations that Europe faces, it is time for European citizens and especially for younger ones who soon will have to face the consequences of today’s situation, to get actively involved in the process of strengthening the European consciousness regarding the European Union and its future and realize that only through cross-border cooperation achievements can be reached towards that direction.

The future of Europe and the assurance of the European societies’ well-being are highly connected with the development of common objective and stronger participation in the EU public sphere between the member-states.  The first step towards this direction has been done by the European Commission which has launched an open debate with the White Paper on the Future of Europe in order to provide opportunities to the citizens to discuss their concerns and their views for the future of Europe. Following this initiative, the project tends to give voice to young people from nine different European countries and provide them with the opportunity to express their concerns to the public sphere, to exchange their ideas, to produce their own suggestions and to generate a multicultural community dialogue concerning the future of Europe.

News and project developments:

Time frame: March 2020 – August 2022
PartnersAthens Network of Collaborating Experts (Greece) – leading partner), NOUS (Italy), Clube Intercultural Europeu (Portugal), Cross Cultural Bridges (Netherlands), Collegium for the Management and Design of Sustainable Development (KMGNE) (Germany), UNITED for Intercultural Action (Hungary), Young European Leadership (Belgium), Teleduca (Spain), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: European Commission, Europe for Citizens Programme




Active Citizens against Hate Speech

The aim of the project Active European Citizens against Hate Speech is to raise awareness of the new generation of European citizens about the impact of hate speech on democratic participation and European values. Hate speech is often used as a tool to target different vulnerable groups, especially minorities, immigrants and refugees. It causes their alienation and exclusion which leads to marginalisation. Such narratives weaken democracy and strengthen positions of far-right and radical right populists and Eurosceptics.

The project will focus on the promotion of such democratic values such as civic and political participation, peaceful coexistence and diversity. Especially emphasizing the participation of new citizens (immigrants) and other minorities. The project activities will raise citizens’ awareness about the harmful impact of hate speech, promote European values and strengthen solidarity among young people through debates, networking and human rights education.

The key activities and outcomes of the project are:

  1. Research on the impact of hate speech on Euroscepticism and xenophobia in the EU, and in project partner countries in particular, and recommendations on how to decrease it;
  2. An international meeting of stakeholders and experts to discuss good practices and challenges in each partner country;
  3. 2 local events focusing on the roots and consequences of hate speech, its impact on Euroscepticism and perception of European values, and the effective ways how to empower the young generation to tackle hate speech and promote civic and political participation;
  4. An international conference with participation of young people, minority representatives, stakeholders, experts, NGOs, and policy makers to present the outcomes of the project and discuss further challenges that need to be addressed on EU level;
  5. Dissemination of the project objectives, activities and results through different communication channels.

Project news:

Time frame: March 2020 – August 2022
PartnersLatvian Human Rights Centre (Latvia) – leading partner, Participation for All (Latvia), Estonian Human Rights Centre (Estonia), Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania), Human Rights House Zagreb (Croatia), Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania – PATRIR (Romania), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: European Commission, Europe for Citizens Programme


Head image: Rositsa Raleva for Fine Acts



Increasing their European belonging

The project (Y)our Europe?!: Enhancing the sense of European belonging of young migrant leaders aims at increasing the knowledge and feeling of belonging to Europe for 36 migrant and local youth in three countries – Italy, Bulgaria and Germany – as well as empowering them to realize their own ideas about Europe in their local communities. The young people with migrant background can be asylum seekers, recognized refugees or third country nationals who live in the respective country for the purpose of working, studying, etc. for whom the European idea seems vague and not related to their lives. The process of strengthening their European belonging will be supported through participation in a 9-month program. It includes a selection and needs assessment process, preparatory kick-off national meeting, an innovative international 6-day European citizens training in Germany, a national Idea Lab for developing European project ideas, a public pitching event and competing for seed funding, a project implementation and mentoring phase for at least 10 projects as well as a final event to celebrate their success and lessons learned. The national and international network created n the project will support the two-way integration between the migrant and local youth and will strengthen their connections with local stakeholders such as their mentors coming from the representation offices of the European institutions, PR, business, culture, the Robert Bosch Alumni network, etc. Their pilot projects will be covered in local and national media through media partnerships realized within the project. The project aims at providing knowledge, skills, networks, financial and mentoring support for young leader from the migrant and local communities to explore and realize their ideas about a better Europe and engage their peers to participate in their initiatives at local level. As a result a stronger affiliation with the European idea will be established as well as a sense of ownership and belonging.

Project news and products:

Time frame: 15 March – 15 December 2019
Partnersmigration_miteinander (Germany) – leading partner, Associazione Interculturale Universo (Italy), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
FundingRobert Bosch Foundation




Let's mix

Diverse together – sharing bread and stories is a partner project of Bread Houses Network and Multi Kulti Collective as part of which the citizens of Plovdiv, Varna and Sofia will rediscover the cultural diversity of their cities. Between March and June 2019 each of the three biggest Bulgarian cities will host three open culinary events. During the events foreign chefs will not only present recipes for bread and pastry products but will also share their Bulgarian story – what brought them to Bulgaria and what motivated them to stay here. While revealing why they chose to live here and what attracts them to this country, the chefs will share funny stories of being a foreigner in “our world” as well as what are the challenges they need to face. Each event will be open for 30 participants, who’ll follow the recipes of the chefs to prepare the dishes and will be actively engaged in the discovery of their stories and cultures. One third of the participants will be from unprivileged groups and the entrance for them will be free.

News and updates:

Time frame: February – July 2019
PartnersBread Houses Network (leading partner), Multi Kulti Collective
FundingPlovdiv 2019

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A research in HU, PL, RO and BG

The research project Experience of Integration – Migrant Workers’ Perspective – What Helps the Integration of Migrant Workers in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria? aims to understand more about policies on migrants’ employment and integration in four Central-Eastern European countries, as well as to identify effective policies which are encouraging migrants to stay in these countries (and not to go further to Western Europe).

The project achieves these through learning more about possible entry points for legal immigration with a particular emphasis on migrants’ perspectives – motives for immigrating, working conditions, relationship to the new country and community etc. The research aims to provide relevant information and guidance for policy recommendations: the chosen countries are all struggling with serious labour market shortages while simultaneously their governments are proposing a rather repressive stance on immigration – What could be those immigration policies that address the increasing labour demand while also respecting the sensitivity of the issue.

The results will be presented in a country report for each country and a concluding study, and policy recommendations will be prepared both on the national and EU levels.

See the Bulgarian report here (in English and Bulgarian). 

Time frame: February 2019 – February 2020
Partners: Menedek (Hungary) – leading partner, University of Warsaw (Poland), Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (Romania), Multi Kulti Collective (Bulgaria)
Funding: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Budapest
