Academic Bulletin Refugees: Today and Tomorrow 11/2022

Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, Multi Kulti Collective and UNHCR -
2683-1120 -
Столична община, Програма Социални иновации -
The second issue of the 2022 Academic Bulletin is implemented within the framework of the project "Students Support the Social Inclusion of Refugees in Sofia" with the lead organization Multi Kulti Collective in partnership with Sofia Development Association, Bulgarian Red Cross, Centre for Legal Aid "Voice in Bulgaria", UNHCR, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and the Academic Council on Refugee Issues, and is funded by Sofia Municipality under the Social Innovation Programme. Within the project, internships were carried out, in which students from Sofia University, New Bulgarian University, University of National and World Economy had the opportunity to gain experience for two months in three organizations in Sofia.
The issue is dedicated to social work with refugees and migrants and consists of three sections.
- The first section contains articles by key academics on this topic in Bulgaria who are also guest editors of this issue of bulletin. They analyse the training of students in the field of social work with refugees and the impact of refugee flows from Ukraine, including to Bulgaria, as well as the code of ethics in social services.
- The student section begins with a highly innovative paper on Islamic social finance in refugee integration, reviewing and synthesizing the normative framework and practice with examples from around the world, as well as possible application in Bulgaria. Other important themes developed by the students are on translation and its role in the provision of social services; access to social support for unaccompanied minor children and access to health services, as well as the topic of forced refugee pushbacks at the Bulgarian-Turkish border.
- The third section in the issue includes an interesting interview with the Chairperson of the State Agency for Refugees with the Council of Ministers; the results of the international NIEM project, which provide comparative data and clarity on Bulgaria's place in relation to 13 other countries in refugee integration, as well as the topic of NGO funding with a focus on the developments surrounding the refugee situation from Ukraine. Last but not least, refugee children as artists are in focus, we draw attention to a beautiful exhibition that happened in early July 2022.